The Ten Undercover Best Songs of 2017
Long time no see! I apologize for my absence it was as if the universe did not want me to contribute to the blog anymore. Finals came around and turned me into a zombie, my laptop suddenly stopped working, which took about two weeks to fix, but the icing on the cake was the concussion I suffered over the holiday season when a puck struck me in the head during practice. So, to make up for lost time, I thought do a post that is just fun for the whole family; a barrel of monkeys if you will. I decided to cover the ten undercover best songs of 2017 that you may have overlooked or had just gone unnoticed due to that damn top 40. You may also notice that most of these entries I had not even posted about, which is not to say that the songs I have been discussing have been bad, but they may been released prior to my blog's inception (and I try to keep these songs as recent as possible) or have slipped under my radar. 10. Ruru - There You Go ...