stargazer - colorvsn

"Stargazer" is a song off of colorvsn's new album, extensive vamping. "Stargazer," like the second track off extensive vamping, "dreaming," is an ambient and all-around spacious song with an emphasis on the instrumentation rather than the vocals. The guitar, which on their band camp page reads "my guitar sounds like seagulls," the drums, and synthesizer work together to create a sound that is both nostalgic and introspective, in a way that makes one evaluate where they are while also looking to the past to see how they got to the point they are at now. The thematic and symbolistic nature of this song comes from the instruments and is what colorvsn is promoting, which is somewhat common in this dream pop scene. Typically, within these songs, the guitar riffs, beat, and tone of the synthesizer directs your notions, feelings, and appeal of the tracks with the vocals and lyrics taking a back seat. That is all evident in this endeavor.

Although minor and out of the spotlight, the lyrics and vocals contribute to the nostalgic and spacious understanding of this effort. "Here I am/forever/I'm dreaming/stargazing/forever/dreaming/the time is now," read the lyrics and are tough to really hear, due to the humming nature of their delivery, but the delivery adds to the spacious vibe. Simplistic and to the point, the lyrics are in reference to a night of stargazing and being at one with oneself, in the mindfulness vain of ideas, which coincide perfectly not only with the instrumentation of the songs, but the way in which the lead singer expresses them. It is a melodic hum that swims in the background, like the clouds parting at night to allow the field of stars to illuminate the night sky.

All in all, "stargazer" is a great song to throw on for a night of reflection, for an evening of peace, or a late night stroll or drive, which I recommend doing especially when things seem frenetic or unstable. Especially as an ambient piece, this effort by colorvsn is a tune to play secondary to the task at hand, so in your soul searching, nostalgic thoughts, or whatever you would accomplish with this song, it acts as a guide or a calming presence to allow for such ideas or actions to flourish.

I would like to give you a date as to when to check out and purchase extensive vamping, but the release date is not exactly specified, as the album's bandcamp page stating that it was released on the 23rd, and colorvsn's Facebook page stating it will drop on the 30th of September. I suppose it would be best to just keep your eyes and ears open for its release. Either way you can check out their band camp page for the tracks on the album and to see if they are going to be playing near you, which I'm sure would be a rad experience.


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