Devil - Dessert

This is a wild one. "Devil" basically sounds like three songs in one; an amalgamation of three distinct parts almost crashing together to become one very interesting track requiring multiple listenings just to piece together what the fuck is going on. To start, we have an acoustic, almost melancholy setting about the hardships of love, but soon enough, for a few seconds, the song changes. A darkly uplifting ambient piece--reminding me of a clown driven ice cream truck--comes in but is then disrupted, by what seems to sound like a click of a recorded tape, into a creepy electronic oriented section continuing the idea of love's difficulties. Being it as they mention "I might as well have/given it up/all for you." 

Then...something haunting and almost malicious occurs. When the beat is building up, and is about to drop, a scratch and muffled like scream overtakes the song and stops its apparent rhythm in its tracks. The song seems lost, as random distortions, and similar scratches and muffled like yelps interject within this twenty seconds of displacement, to possibly consider how we sometimes are driven to madness when dealing with the fragility of love. 

All of a sudden, the songs returns, in a similar vein, to the 'darkly uplifting ambient piece,' but in lieu of ice cream truck-driving clowns, I get an odd image in my mind of a day on the beach, but the sky is black, and the wind moves too swiftly around my bathing suit. I suppose such a vivid and lurid notion coincides with the final lyrics "After hours/I might be fading/I might be fading away," and to even express that it would be better to just fade away than proceed through the trials of intimacy and relationships. 

This Los Angeles band, whom I really cannot put a label on--in terms of genre--besides the new indie wave, is really an interesting group in their experimentation with mood, when most bands part of this movement acquiesce to a chill or peaceful vibe. This song in particular goes from a seemingly emotional mood, to a haunting few seconds, a creepy almost stalking electronic/drum section, followed by madness, and to a fading feeling into black. Dessert's other songs perform similar changes but not as radical and frenetic as "Devil."

I found this song published on September 30th of this year on the YouTube channel, "TheLazylazyme," but originally "Devil" was released as a single on September 27th of 2016. I feel a little embarrassed not knowing this song until now, but hey, at least I found it, and maybe this will be your first time listening to it too, so cool beans. 

"Devil" is a song to really appreciate in its experimentation and way of expressing the difficulties of love, but Dessert has more to offer in their collection, so if you want to check out what else is cooking here are some links to take a gander at:

I recommend checking out Dessert's Facebook page, not only to see what songs are there but the page itself is pretty funny.


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