girls - girl in red
Released on June 7th, "girls" is a single by girl in red , a Norwegian Bedroom Pop star who in her songs unequivocally expresses the importance of being an individual, while accepting each other's foreign idiosyncrasies as something to celebrate rather than a reason to scrutinize. "Girls" is a subtle anthem about gay pride and not solely a song about accepting one's sexual orientation, but about the realistic and upsetting implications that still arise in the process of "coming out." The tune is a conflicting swell of emotions regarding her attraction for the same sex and the bemusement felt because of it. However tangled with this confusion, girl in red expresses the inescapable feeling of having to hide her true attractions "can I tell anyone?/Afraid of what they will say/So I push them away." The fear of being ostracized or seen as an assailant against society overtakes the inclination of being who she is; a detrimental and daun...