
Showing posts from June, 2018

girls - girl in red

Released on June 7th, "girls" is a single by girl in red , a Norwegian Bedroom Pop star who in her songs unequivocally expresses the importance of being an individual, while accepting each other's foreign idiosyncrasies as something to celebrate rather than a reason to scrutinize. "Girls" is a subtle anthem about gay pride and not solely a song about accepting one's sexual orientation, but about the realistic and upsetting implications that still arise in the process of "coming out." The tune is a conflicting swell of emotions regarding her attraction for the same sex and the bemusement felt because of it. However tangled with this confusion, girl in red expresses the inescapable feeling of having to hide her true attractions "can I tell anyone?/Afraid of what they will say/So I push them away." The fear of being ostracized or seen as an assailant against society overtakes the inclination of being who she is; a detrimental and daun...

Throwback: Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head - Gorillaz

Released in 2005 off Gorillaz's second and acclaimed album  Demon Days , "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head" is an overlooked and undercover track overshadowed by the album's multiple singles: " EL Mañana ," " Dirty Harry ," " Dare ," " Feel Good Inc. ," and " Kids with Guns ." While these aforementioned tracks are bangerz in their own right, and have credible influence, "Fire Coming out the Monkey's Head" is arguably one of the most unique songs Gorillaz has ever made, and that's saying something about the band of cartoon musicians.  Song writing takes many forms or styles, particularly laced with metaphors and expressions to not necessarily tell a story but to express an emotion or feeling. Not often do we see the notion of fryetag's pyramid in songs (some notable examples come from artists like Johnny Cash , Bob Dylan , J. Cole and Courtney Barnett ) as some may feel the format...

The 5 Best Songs of 2018...So Far

Now that we are roughly half-way through 2018, it's time to reflect on the songs that have impacted us this year. Like any year, there have been great some great songs and flat out terrible songs, but we're going to try and forget about those discrepancies and focus solely on the good ones. So without further ado, here are five songs that have thus far been this year's best. 5. Almost Had to Start a Fight / In and Out of Patience - Parquet Courts Punk's not dead. Parquet Courts is a super interesting and creative quartet that continually doesn't give a fuck about being popular or to commercially successful, rather the foursome often releases music that focuses on meaning be it instrumentally or lyrically in a manner that is raw, digestible and spelled out. "Almost Had to Start a Fight / In and Out of Patience," and Wide Awake!   in general, is a continuation of Parquet Court's leitmotif of straight forwardness and is an amalgamation of fiery f...