girls - girl in red

Released on June 7th, "girls" is a single by girl in red, a Norwegian Bedroom Pop star who in her songs unequivocally expresses the importance of being an individual, while accepting each other's foreign idiosyncrasies as something to celebrate rather than a reason to scrutinize. "Girls" is a subtle anthem about gay pride and not solely a song about accepting one's sexual orientation, but about the realistic and upsetting implications that still arise in the process of "coming out."

The tune is a conflicting swell of emotions regarding her attraction for the same sex and the bemusement felt because of it. However tangled with this confusion, girl in red expresses the inescapable feeling of having to hide her true attractions "can I tell anyone?/Afraid of what they will say/So I push them away." The fear of being ostracized or seen as an assailant against society overtakes the inclination of being who she is; a detrimental and daunting facet that surmises those seeking to come out. The idea of coming out, and the taboo views of this process comes into question, as if to ask why a person needs to come out in the first place instead of being automatically accepted no matter what sexual orientation. This query is easily seen in the bridge as girl in red sings "It's not like I get to choose who I love."

As bedroom pop becomes larger and another medium of artistic expression, we see the increase in personality and authentic messages within each release. This can certainly be because of the 'bedroom' aspect of the genre: the construction and dissemination of themes and music in a person's bedroom, their personal sanctuary and safe space that to others in an equivocal mystery. An artist can be who they truly are, surrounded by their mantels of individuality and comfort, there is no hiding through this process, which is most likely why prolific bedroom pop star Clairo titled her debut ep diary 001.

With that in mind, it comes as no surprise just how relatable, personal, poignant and evocative "girls" is. The lyrics, as I have sporadically referenced throughout this entry, seems like a testament to the struggles of coming out, and allows the listener to understand and empathize not only with girl in red, but with all those in the process of coming out or for those too fearful to do so. Taking a page from the structures of dream pop, the lucid and echoing instrumentation, specifically with the vocals and guitar riffs act as the ambiguity and inability for girl in red to truly know what to do with her sexuality. A spacious vibe, its sound is indicative of the lack of true direction in this scenario, but is objectively speaking, a track to get lost with which can possibly side-step its theme but upon replaying the track (a definite likelihood) one can come to grips and discover its true meaning.

While girl in red is an upcoming artist with just a few other track to bout, there is no denying her maturity and talent seen in "girls," which has become (in my mind) one of the best releases of the year. So check out these links, and support girl in red because she's dope and deserves the good vibes: 


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