Falling for U (feat. mxmtoon) - Peachy!

While released last year, I have only recently discovered and developed an addiction for "Falling for U," imploring me to further share its aloof yet precise arrangements. Peachy!, with the vocal assistance of mxmtoon was able to create a mystified landscape of awakening and sanguine but with an air of melancholia that culminates into a valid representation of love's discovery. The premise of "Falling for U" is just that, recognizing one's true feelings for someone without a true direction in which to take said discovery; and while foreboding notions are abound, the calm rhythm and lucid melodies creates a spacial vibe that permits soft sways, singing along and straight lounging.

We are introduced to a quiet but increasing chord progression ringing in an ominous overture of what could be a storm or a gorgeous adventure. Its function may be of ambiguity, but it acts in creating the perception of lucidity and an entrance into the mind of mxmtoon who trips over love. The typical Peachy! laugh begins the scenario and her awakening for this person "I was surprised/When I found out I'd fallen for you," commences and we are with her through its entirety until a presumed sacrifice. This sacrifice, a decision to do "what's right," is to keep this new found love to her self: "If I just try to conceal/The truth/For me/And for you."Although we are in the mind of mxmtoon, the reason behind this clandestine decision is left in dark, as before we can find out the journey from this enigmatic sphere concludes, and we hear the same chord progression that brought us into this private world as the music fades out. 

The melody and overall simplistic and exaggerated instrumentals is invariably cool and able to clearly establish a space that transcends from grounded perceptions to metaphysical realities. It is technically sound and is able to establish a narrative and understanding of complexities that surround preconceived notions of love. Each note that's hit is done so for a reason; there is not a feeling that a certain element of the instrumentals or cadence in mxmtoon's vocals are played to adhere to a pop standard. It is genuine and precise, without being self-righteous or arrogant because its thematic approach has no connection between cockiness and the vulnerable honesty that is perpetuated with understandings of love.

 I feel a heavy dose of chagrin for not having found this magic until this year, as it would have definitely been on my list of the Ten Undercover Best Songs of 2017. Nevertheless, it is a remarkable song and one that definitely benefits from a careful evaluation.

To hear more from Peachy! check out these fine links below:


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