
Showing posts from September, 2017

Bedroom Talks - Fazerdaze

"Bedroom Talks," by Fazerdaze, recently got the music video treatment, with its publication on her own YouTube channel this past September 22nd, so in honor of this occurrence I have decided to discuss the aforementioned song. "Bedroom Talks" joins "Lucky Girl," "Take it Slow," and "Little Uneasy" as the fourth track off the delightful Morningside , which has already been released this past March 5th of 2017, to be accompanied by a video, and is a great move on Fazerdaze's part to remind us all of the jams she had just recently released. Fazerdaze is arguably the most prominent artist to come out of the Dream Pop craze, with her song "Lucky Girl" reaching an impressive 3.2 million views on YouTube. It may not seem that large, considering the pop songs that have grossed over a hundred million views in just a week, but for an emerging genre, beloved by a select few with taste, it's pretty damn good. I myself made my...

stargazer - colorvsn

" Stargazer " is a song off of colorvsn's new album, extensive vamping . "Stargazer," like the second track off extensive vamping , "dreaming," is an ambient and all-around spacious song with an emphasis on the instrumentation rather than the vocals. The guitar, which on their band camp page reads "my guitar sounds like seagulls," the drums, and synthesizer work together to create a sound that is both nostalgic and introspective, in a way that makes one evaluate where they are while also looking to the past to see how they got to the point they are at now. The thematic and symbolistic nature of this song comes from the instruments and is what colorvsn is promoting, which is somewhat common in this dream pop scene. Typically, within these songs, the guitar riffs, beat, and tone of the synthesizer directs your notions, feelings, and appeal of the tracks with the vocals and lyrics taking a back seat. That is all evident in this endeavor. ...

Flowers and Monsters - Slow Loris

A soft, and melodic hum evokes joy, innocence and a sense of the sublime in the first ten seconds, only to commence a vibe-tastic jam into a realm of chill. Wes Doyle (Slow Loris) softly speaks about an ambiguous end(possibly of a night or week), but instead of a sad reaction, he is sitting by the window, enjoying the breeze and the smell of the wind. From there he drifts into nostalgic dreams, experiences and fantasies he once had as child. The instrumentation absolutely complements Doyle’s conceptual vocals as the slow beat creates a calm but also pensive mood that one can easily float into thought. To recollect times that may have seemed insignificant but have come into fruition as an impactful part of one’s life, while also thinking about those spaced-out ideas that seem ludicrous and silly but are just easy to the brain with no stress involved. A cacophony of things.  The guitar riffs…damn, those licks are tasty sweet. The beat may set up the foreground for a trip, bu...


What's going on guys, my name is Chris and I would like to welcome you to "Come and Share This Jam With Me!" The title of this blog, as you may have noticed, is "Come and Share This Jam With Me" and yes, it is a reference to the animated show, "Steven Universe," and the duet that Steven and Connie share in the episode "Sworn to the Sword," but I believe it is a good representation for what you may expect from this blog. I will be sharing some of the sweetest jams that I come across during the week, be it through YouTube, artist's Bandcamps or some other means of finding music online. Specifically, I will be sharing content that coincide mostly within the "Dream Pop" genre, but I will be exploring other sub-genres of the indie new-wave movement that is quietly exploding on the internet. I will also give my own interpretations, and opinions on the tracks, but since this is a blog where I am sharing music, you can expect that ...